dnsUNFILTERED: Navigating the Changing Security Landscape
The security landscape is ever changing—so the map to navigate it must continue to evolve too.
In dnsUNFILTERED: Navigating the Changing Security Landscape, we’ll be exploring that evolving map and helping to guide you in your organization’s journey towards lock-tight cybersecurity.
Join us May 2, 2024 from 1 - 4pm ET for a multi-session virtual event. We’ll be interviewing CIOs and IT professionals from small businesses, enterprise organizations, and MSPs—there will be tangible takeaways for everyone!
Session Schedule:
- Setting Sail on dnsUNFILTERED: A Word from Ken Carnesi, DNSFilter CEO
- Exploring the Security of Free Public Wi-Fi
- A CIO’s Tale: How They Navigated a Phishing Attack
- Traversing the World of AI with Judy Security